Millions of Texans could experience rolling blackouts | Lotal Ghana

 In the midst of record heat, millions of Texans could experience rolling blackouts

Millions of Texans could experience rolling blackouts
Millions of Texans could experience rolling blackouts

As much of the state is expected to see temperatures of 100 degrees or higher this week, Texas' power system operator is warning Texans that rolling blackouts are probable due to the record-breaking heat wave that has resulted in historic levels of energy demand.


To protect the power grid, the Electric Reliability Council of Texas requested that people and businesses voluntarily raise their thermostats and use less energy from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m.


Although there are no expected system-wide disruptions, ERCOT did issue a warning about the possibility of rolling blackouts for its more than 26 million users.


According to ERCOT, the state is experiencing record-high electricity demand as residents use more air conditioning to combat the high temperatures outside. Low winds could make the situation worse, as forecasts indicate that wind power generation will only be operating at less than 10% of its potential.

Source: Forbes

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