Google is going to start beefing up the Android operating system's security

 Google is going to start beefing up the Android operating system's security

Google is going to start beefing up the Android operating system's security

Google is going to start beefing up the Android operating system's security

It's about Google's plan to progressivelyprogressively put new features into its system from May 11 through November 1, 2022.
The primary one will be a prohibitionprohibition on the use of the Accessibility API, which is a feature of the operating system that delivers information to assistive technologiestechnologies about objects and events on a page and will increase system control.

 The second most essential measure will be a prohibition on applicationsapplications for loans with a total loan value of 36% or more.
The third change is the addition of additional criteria for using the AndroidAndroid API, which is the interface that allows application components to communicatecommunicate with one another.

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