In a viral TikTok, Sophia Panella explains how on a date with her now-fiancé, she realized she pooped her pants.
Her date sprung into action and helped her during this embarrassing moment.
The couple is now engaged and has been together for six-and-a-half years, with this date becoming an inside joke between them.
One lady is detailing the specifics of a date that did not go as planned.
Sophia Panella describes how she sensed something was awry on a date with her now-fiancé in a TikTok video that went viral and has received over 9.4 million views.
"We planned to watch the sunset with blankets in the back of the car after getting sandwiches from one of our favorite local restaurants. As the sun began to drop, we began to eat. My stomach wasn't disturbed, and I felt great," Panella told PEOPLE Magazine.
Panella explains that she felt well before their tenth date together. But after taking a bite out of my sandwich, I let out a small toot. I didn't give it much thought. Then suddenly it felt strange. After I made a move, I realized. I take a quick smell test since I'm worried I just crapped my trousers.
"'Ohmy God,' I said out loud, 'I just pooped my pants.' He's laughing and says, 'No, you didn't,' " she adds.
"I got out of the car. I was in a one-piece camo jumpsuit, so it was all trapped in there. I ripped the whole thing off on the side of the road because I was not going to sit in my own poop."
Panella acknowledges that when she really understood what was going on, she freaked out. Fortunately, her now-fiancé has seen far worse and is a first responder. He acted quickly and covered her with blankets.Panella served as his model for how to respond; he remained silent when she was silent and laughed when she laughed. After telling her mother what had happened over the phone, Panella drove home to take a shower and clean up. She became known to her friends and family as "poopy butt" after the date ended.
It's obvious that this awkward situation didn't stop her date. Panella gave him kudos for his response, expressing gratitude that he didn't back down or mock her during the incident.
"I said, 'You're stuck with me now; this is it. This is forever.' Now we're happily engaged six-and-a-half years later," she shares.
"Anytime I say, 'My stomach is upset,' he'll respond, 'Okay, poopy butt.' It's just one of those things we have, and even now, I call him that sometimes too," she adds.
Now they can both chuckle about what happened. Now, it's also an internal joke with us. "Hey, do you recall that time I threw up on a date?" "I'll never forget that," he will remark.
According to Panella, they even want to include what she refers to as the "toot heard 'round the world" in a wedding narrative. "If anyone will say anything, it will probably be my mom," she says.
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