Database Collection Of HD Snapshots

 A collection of high-definition movie stills

Database Collection Of HD Snapshots
Database Collection Of HD Snapshots 

If you've ever tried to find a frame from a movie without knowing the title or the actors, you know how Google and Yandex handle it.

 To be precise, hardly nothing. Flim, on the other hand, is designed for it: it's an AI-driven system that searches for movie stills and makes high-resolution images.

There are two possibilities: In numerous different versions of "Forrest Gump," I sought for the phrase "man runs" (1994). 

There was nothing that troubled me. Imagine my surprise when I tried to find a scene from "Prisoners" (2013) in which Jake Gyllenhaal is eating something at the table and received a response from Flim. 

That is, the service is intermittently interrupted, but the library is growing—more books are available.

Source: Technology

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