The most detailed snapshots of the sun

 The most detailed snapshot of the Sun was taken by the Solar Orbiter spacecraft
The most detailed snapshots of the sun
The most detailed snapshots of the sun

On February 10, 2020, the Solar Orbiter was launched into space.

  Its primary scientific programme will run until December 2026, although scientists intend to keep researching until 2030.
There are a total of 22 rotations around the Sun, four of which have already been completed by the spacecraft. 

The Solar Orbiter has narrowed its orbit and is headed for the innermost regions of the solar system by making two gravity adjustments at Venus and one at Earth.
The spacecraft was 75 million kilometres from the Sun's photosphere on March 7, 2022, just before it reached its fourth perihelion. 

It then snapped a snapshot of our star's whole disc with the best resolution possible.

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