German POWs were reading in a barracks at Camp Blanding

 In June 1943, German POWs were reading in a barracks at Camp Blanding, Florida.

German POWs were reading in a barracks at Camp Blanding
German POWs were reading in a barracks at Camp Blanding

The cover of Hitler's Soldiers in the Sunshine State: German POWs in Florida features this photograph

A total of 378,000 people were detained in camps on American land after being apprehended in Africa, Italy, and France. 

In Florida, around 10,000 German POWs were kept in 25 camps. The primary goal of these camps was to alleviate labor shortages in agriculture during the war.

The book mentions Camp Clewiston, which has been dubbed "America's worst place." 

The inmates were gathering cane in extremely hot weather in an area rife with venomous snakes.

Source: cnbc

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