A Nazi calamity

 A Nazi calamity

A Nazi calamity
 A Nazi calamity

In the spring of 1933, 3000 Gulag inmates were landed on Nazinsky Island in Siberia, a tiny, flooded strip of land in the middle of the Ob River (some of them died on arrival).

 They didn't have any tools or shelters, and their sole food was a few handfuls of rye flour every four or five days. 

The inmates lacked the stamina and capacity to start a new life and complete the task of constructing a colony from the ground up.

 Some were so weary that they were burned to death when they went to bed too close to the fire. 

Those who attempted to flee were shot by the guards on the spot.

The island soon became a haven for cannibalism. Women were the first to suffer: many of them were sexually assaulted.

Source: Forbe

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