"Kromfuo": After John Kumah's death, a video of elderly folks sobbing and accusing him of stealing their land reappears

"Kromfuo": After John Kumah's death, a video of elderly folks sobbing and accusing him of stealing their land reappears

"Kromfuo": After John Kumah's death, a video of elderly folks sobbing and accusing him of stealing their land reappears

Social media is buzzing with controversy again after an old video of grieving and embracing Ghana's late deputy finance minister John Kumah was rediscovered. The women accuse Kumah of stealing their farms and casting curses upon him in the film, which shows them clutching schnapps and donning red bandages.

The video has gained popularity and has been associated with Kumah's death, however it's not quite obvious how the two are related. Discussions concerning property conflicts and accusations of Kumah corruption have come back to life as a result of this comeback.

These kinds of charges against Kumah have been leveled previously. An elderly woman accused him of seizing her land last year also went viral on social media. These accusations draw attention to the divisive topic of land ownership and conflicts in Ghana, as well as the difficulties people encounter when trying to get justice in these situations.

All things considered, the resurgence of this film has drawn attention to long-standing complaints and disagreements pertaining to land ownership in Ghana, along with the challenges of resolving such matters in a just and equitable way.

Cc: ghpage

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