TikTok and some of its producers will split ad money

 TikTok and some of its producers will split ad money

TikTok and some of its producers will split ad money
TikTok Will Soon Start Paying Vloggers

TikTok has announced that it will begin splitting ad revenue with some of its most popular creators as part of a new initiative that will allow advertisers to place ads alongside top videos on the app, similar to YouTube's creator payout scheme.

Advertisers will be able to broadcast their films alongside the top 4% of TikTok Pulse videos, which will be grouped into 12 "culturally relevant" categories like culinary, gaming, and beauty.

Creators, public figures, and media outlets with 100,000 or more followers will be eligible for the first income-sharing plan. 

However, TikTok has not specified how funds will be split between the firm and its users.

TikTok Pulse will launch in the United States as part of its international expansion goals.

Source: Technology 

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