Unfortunate Christmas tree-buying excursion

 Unfortunate Christmas tree-buying excursion

Unfortunate Christmas tree-buying excursion

Derrick Engebretson, 8, of Oregon, visited the National Wildlife Refuge with his father and grandfather on December 5, 1998. The family decided to go to Rocky Point to acquire a Christmas tree. But then a snowfall hit, and Derrick vanished, never to be seen again.

When Derrick's family reported him missing to the police, an investigation was launched, which was impeded by the inclement weather. Rescuers followed tracks to a road where evidence of a struggle could be seen in the snow.

An inmate alleged in 2002 that a convicted paedophile named Frank Milligan boasted about killing Derrick to him. Milligan had been sentenced to 36 years in jail for assault and attempted murder just a few years before.

Source: Murders 

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