The rings of Neptune

 The rings of Neptune were originally discovered in 1968

The rings of Neptune
The rings of Neptune

They were thought to be incomplete ring segments by scientists.

 They were accused of having gaps in the 1984 eclipse experiment.

 There were flickers when Neptune passed in front of the star.

 However, nothing was noted when it passed again.


When the Voyager 2 spacecraft approached the Neptune system in 1989, the problem was overcome. 

It's still a mystery why the rings were bumpy. 

Perhaps the satellites have had a significant impact. 

The ring system is slender and impenetrable. 

It is believed to be a mixture of ice and dark material with organic compounds.


Five rings have been discovered by Voyager 2. 

It is thought that they are young and formed after the crash of a small satellite.

Source: Outer Space 

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