Japanese food company has teamed up with experts

 Kirin, a Japanese food company, has teamed up with experts at Meiji University to manufacture salty chopsticks

Japanese food company, has teamed up with experts
Japanese food company, has teamed up with experts

A metal contact at the end of one of the sticks conducts an electric current straight into the food: a wave of the correct shape influences the ions in sodium chloride, which causes the salty taste.

 Furthermore, the current has an effect on monosodium glutamate ions, which are responsible for taste enhancement.


According to tests on volunteers, electrical stimulation increases the salty taste by about 1.5 times. 

As a result, you can cut your salt intake by 30% and not notice a difference. 

The researchers claim that the electricity generated by the sticks has no effect on humans.

Source: Technology Home

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