Amazon is planning to launch test satellites for its own orbital Internet service.

 Amazon is planning to launch test satellites for its own orbital Internet service.

Amazon is planning to launch test satellites for its own orbital Internet service.

Amazon has declared that its Kuiper project, which is a competitor to SpaceX's Starlink orbital Internet service, will be continued. Two prototype satellites are scheduled to be deployed into low Earth orbit next year.

The satellites will be launched from a spaceport at Cape Canaveral, Florida, with RS1 rockets and the ABL Space Systems-built and-operated GS0 launch system. The prototypes will perform an active descent from orbit and burn up in the Earth's atmosphere once the testing is completed.

The Kuiper project is being carried out by a subsidiary of Kuiper Systems LLC, which proposes to launch 3,236 satellites into 98 orbital planes at altitudes ranging from 590 to 630 kilometers.


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