Asamoah Gyan purposefully missed the key penalties at both the African Cup and the World Cup, according to Nelson Este Kwame, the MP for South Dayi

Because the NDC was in power, Asamoah Gyan purposefully missed the key penalties at both the African Cup and the World Cup, according to Nelson Este Kwame, the MP for South Dayi


Asamoah Gyan purposefully missed the key penalties at both the African Cup and the World Cup, according to Nelson Este Kwame, the MP for South Dayi

Nelson Este Kwame, the South Dayi Member of Parliament, made an inaccurate and unreliable comment, implying that Asamoah Gyan purposefully missed important penalties during football games because the National Democratic Congress (NDC) was in power. Former Ghanaian national football team captain Asamoah Gyan has been an important member of the squad, valued for his abilities and efforts.


Not only are accusations of purposeful penalty misses motivated by politics unfounded, but they also compromise the player's and the sport's integrity. Football is a game of chance, talent, and strategy. Players always try to give it their all, regardless of outside influences.


Such remarks made by a public figure, such as a member of parliament, might start needless rumors and debates. When making statements, public figures should use caution and responsibility—especially when those statements touch on the reputations and behaviors of specific people.


It is unreasonable to make such accusations against a player who has proudly and devotedly represented his nation in the absence of hard proof to back up these charges.

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