Life's Guiding Principles: Femishare Foundation Inspires Ethical Living and Empowerment for the Youth!

Femishare Foundation Inspires Ethical Living and Empowerment for the Youth!


Femishare Foundation Inspires Ethical Living and Empowerment for the Youth!
Femishare Foundation Inspires Ethical Living and Empowerment for the Youth!

In today's episode of Femishare, we have some ethics of life that we normally do not consider, but hey, they are of key importance.


  • Before you speak, you have to pay close attention and listen to whatever the other half is saying. Do not be in a hurry to make a judgment or conclusion, but digest and understand the reason behind it. 


  • Before you spend, you have to earn. This is a key principle that must be practiced: earn before you spend. I realize the youth spend a lot these days without having any form of income. We tend to make our expenditures very high without having any source of income or job. As youth, we have to consider our needs and wants. Wants are things we can live without,but needs are the prime of everything. You cannot go without your needs; you have to consider, utilize,  or find ways to satisfy them before considering our wants.


  • Before quitting, as we begin this year, let's be willing to take risks and try before you quit. Anything that challenges you has the potential to make you great. Let's be optimistic about our challenges.


  • Before your rest, you have to work hard enough to know that during the times that you are resting, you have enough to cater for your rest period. Let us use ourselves and be intentional about everything we do so that, at the end of the day, we can become productive. 


This is the Femishare Foundation, and we aim to empower and support the youth. Follow, comment on, and like our page on all social media platforms.


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